I accept the responsibility to make a difference. With that acceptance, I will empower others to fulfill our pledge to donate $10,500 to women's cancer awareness in the names of each who help promote this pledge. With Heartfelt Joy in the Spirit of Giving!
Carol Ann Hager
Across the
Everyone is a volunteer, even our accountant who obviously takes care of the financial aspects of the project. All collected money and completed order forms are sent to her. I, personally, volunteer my time. I never see the money, only the accounting of it and to pay for materials. All receipts for the materials are submitted to the accountant. Absolutely no one gets paid. All proceeds will be donated to designated organizations.
Carol Ann respects your privacy. Information gathered for this project is for the sole purpose of obtaining orders for and the distribution of Bracelets for Breast Cancer. This information will not be given, sold, or distributed in any form to any other person, company or entity for any reason. Carol Ann will not use this information for advertising, mailing, e-mailing or telephone solicitation. If you wish to receive information about any other Carol Ann products, please use the contact form on the Carol Ann web site at www.carolhager.com.
With Heartfelt Joy in the Spirit of Giving!
On Line Instructions for Assembling the Messenger of Hope Bracelet |
Download Printable Instructions Here |
To aid in the fight against women's cancer, Carol Ann is proud to present these sterling silver bracelets, specially designed with rose quartz, Swarovski crystals and pearls. Priced at $50.00 each, all proceeds will be donated to aid in women's cancer awareness.
Or Download and print our order form here.
This form requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader,
you may downlaod and install a free copy directly from Adobe at www.adobe.com
The people and organizations listed below have accepted our stand and have purchased Bracelets for Breast Cancer to proudly wear for this important cause. Our thanks to these and others not yet listed for their support!
With Heartfelt Joy in the Spirit of Giving! Carol Hager
If you have purchased a bracelet and your name does not appear below, please accept our apologies for the oversight and drop us a note with your name so we can add it to the list.
In Alabama:
Brittany Davis
Lauren Killough
Robbey Killough
In California:
Carrie Hager, Area coordinator
Kristine Flynn
Sabrina Azirian
Shari Lew
Sarah Lyman
Becki Smith, Area coordinator
Terry Smith
Bob Reigel
Brice Riegel
Pam Reigel
Shelby Smith
Shelley Smith
Jeannette Horn
Nancy Grace, Area Coordinator
Felicia Culp, Area Coordinator
Nancy Culp
Traci Salzarulo
Hayley Salzarulo
Gina Salzarulo
Terri Burmeister
Jillian Burmeister
Kate, Area Coordinator
Kathleen Hager, Area Coordinator
Sue Daloisio, Area Coordinator
In Florida:
Marcia Higgs, Area coordinator
Trudie Stoaks
Margaret Delahunt
Hollie Higgs
Betty Kelley
Marion Pilosi
Cheryl Anderson
In Georgia:
Kate Hanson, Area Coordinator
Alexandra Carara, Area Coordinator
Deeann Moss, Area Coordinator
In Indiana:
Jennifer Oliphant, Area Coordinator
In South Carolina:
Pam Stanfield, project accountant
Zelma Umphlette, Area Coordinator
In Paris, France:
Jackie Gadret, Area Coordinator
Christine Badour Belshaw
Debra Adrian
Veronica Aguilera
Terri Ahern
Sophie Alexinsky
Barbara Allemand
April Allen
Christine Amaya
Patricia Ambrose
Cherill Anderson
Mary Anderson
Donna Anslow
Laurie Anthony
Sam Arneson
Laura Asbill
Michelle Ashley
Mataub Atapour
Jill Austin
Sabrina Azirian
Coralie Badeaux
Dely Badour
Janell Baker
Susan Balardini
Angela Balsz
Jean Bartee
Annick Bas
The Beauty Cottage Inc.
Debra Beilstein
Christine Badour Belshaw
Deirdre Belshaw
Erna Belshaw
Monique Belshaw
Sarah Belshaw
Sarah Belshaw
Donna Bernitt
Ellen Bernshaus
Stevie Beshire
Mary Bestgen
Annette Beutler
Jennifer Biglin
Connie Birk
Pauline Black
Susan Blanco
Anna Blecher
Belinda Bongcaras
Anna Bornstein
Mark Bosque
Greta Bost
Sarah Bradley
Elaine Braly
Hilda Braly
Cathy Brier
Sheridan Brockman
Denise Broussal
Derrick Brown
Lindsey Brown
Patty Brown
Anne Bullard
Marsha Burdick
Tiffany Burge
Annette Burge
Meghan Burge
Nichole Burge
Sandy Burge
Terri Burmeister
Pompie Calandrino
Deanna Callaghan
Pat Callaghan
Terri Cano
Molly Cantalupo
Maggie Cantor
Alexandra Carara
Laura Caraway
Lo Carb Center
Paula Caretto
Shelagh Carlson
Jolie Caro
Sara Castens
Linda Ann Chellel
Ada Chica
Susan Christiansom
Nancy Christianson
Marta Cifuentes
Christi Clarke
Elizabeth R. Clarkson
Carol Clayton
Shirley Clayton
Angela Cleveland
Linda Cobos
Rosalie Coelho
Allyn Colley
Deloris A. Collins
Sherry Conklin
Teri Conrad
Bridget Corbani
Sharon Coulson
Jessica Covey
Natasha Cox
Michelle Creegan
Michele Crockett
Denise Crotty
Lynn Cruse
Gina Cruz
Rebecca Cruz
Rebecca Cullison
Felicia Culp
Sue Daloisio
Johanna Danby
Sharon Danville
Leah Davis
Marilyn Davis
Pamela Davis
Jeanne Dean
Sabrina Deem
Beverly DeHann, for Cookie
Jean Del Bosque
Margaret Delahunt
Deborah Demott
Kerry DeRosa
Candace Detviler
Miriam Deuchars
Helen Di Marino
Susan Dillon
Suzie Dimblad
Christina Divine
Nancy Dmarzo
Kathy Doyle
Cheryl Draper
Pearl Drenckpohl
Nancy Driskell
Mark Duhaime
Annette Duncan
Michael Dunham
Terri Dykins
Linda Elder
Janice Elliot Family
Bonnie Ellis
Deana Enfield
Jolly Esquivel
Laurie Evarts
Cheryl Farmer
Wendy Farr
Jeremy Farrell
Neal Farris
Corinne Fauchon
Kim Fazio
Terry Fazio
Kristine Flynn
Michele Fosmine
Christopher Fosmire
Lynn Frank
Diana Franklin
Patricia Fulmer
Jackie Gadret
Roberta Galex
Sarah Gardan
Jacquelyn Garripoli
Kim Gary
Marie Gaynor
Nancy Gilroy
Kim Gleason
Emilia Gombos
Lorena Gomez
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Claudia Gonzalez
Yolanda Gonzalez
Wendy Goodnight
Nancy Grace
Stephanie Grace
Larry Grayson
Debra Green
Janet Grice
Sandra Griggle
Tracey Groom
Carol Hager
Carrie Hager
Robin Hager
Sheila Halbrooks
Susan Hall
Myrna Hanaoka
Deirdre Hanley
Kathryn Hanson
Donna Hanson
Vicki Harper-Willis
Aurora Harris
Randy Harris
Stacey Harris
Suzanne Harriss
Christy Harshberger
Erin Hartman
Betty Hatsian
Joy Helvey
Alexandra Henderson
Ethel Hendler
HB Hendler MD
Jerry Hendriks
Elizabeth Heno
Helen Higgs
Hollie Higgs
Marcia Ann Higgs
Shauna Hogan
Greg Hollmann
Marilyn Hornsby
Marty Hortman
Sarah Howitt
Janet Howland
Chien Huang
Florence Huang
Cindy Humpleby
Phyllis Hunter
Equicapital, Inc.
Gloria Irish
Annette Irvin
Christine James
Emily James
Lisa Jennings
Delvis Jimenez
Betty Jo Schelah
Bonnie Johnson
Susan Johnson
Lynne Jones
Dawn Jones
Alice Jousselin
Patricia Junior-Bispott
Mary Karalekas
Marsha Katari
Leatrice Katz
Dinah Kazden
Paula Kean
James Kelly
Sharon Kelly
Sheila Kelly
Betty Kelly
Sharon Golec Keniger
Lisa Kennedy
Keith Kilpatrick
Gwen Knight-Warner
Mansour Kohanteb
Darci Kovach
Linda Krasner-Preston
Sarah Kreeger
Josie Kuboyama
Mary Kunz
Lesley Kyd-Rebenburg
Yvette Laban
Lia LaForte
Barbara LaFrance
Taina Lance
Janie Landig
Diane Lannon
Laura Larrabee
Anne Larson
Donna Lautin (HR Girls)
Debbie Lax
Nicole Lemenand
Suzanne Lenyi
Jane LeRoux
Shari Lew
Barbara Lewis
Rosemarie Lewis
Elizabeth Line
Joyce Link
Denise Lipton
Valerie Lischer
Shannon Litten
Cheryl Lyn Loder
Carol Lonebear
Frances Longoria
Monica Lowman
Betsey Lyman
Sarah Lyman
Jennifer Lynch
Jessica Lynch
Lara Lynch
Sara Lynch
Arleen Lynne
Kathi Lyons
Patricia MacKay
Catherine Magnoux
Michael Mancuso
Felicia Mannion
Pamela Maple
Helen Marino
Mary Mastrullo
Jeanne Mauck
Allison Mautz
Shaleka McClelland
Terri McCloud
Patti McClung
Julie McColley
Maxine McCory
Susan McCracken
Lori McGee
Fiona McGinn
Frances McGinn
Aurallee McGinnnis
Marian Merandi
Pat Merandi
Mary Metcalf
James Metcalfe
Paige Metzger
Lynn Meyers
Katie Mieszala
Madara Miller
Teena Miller
Milwath Corp.
Carmen Miro
Bonnie Mitchell
Gary Monahan
Libby Mooney
Kathy Morgan
Kathy Morris
Deeann Moss
Ranata Moulavi
Denise Moynihan
Diana Mullen
Jody Mullet
Murrieta California Police Dept
Kathy Nagy
Victor Naranjo
Annie Newell
Lisa Nichols
Carrie Nix
Jennifer Oliphant
Barbara Olson
Katye Olson
Aimee O'Neill
Cheryl Orland
Celeste Otanez
Chris Padden
Sally Pagano
Lucette Palisson
Melba Pallay
Sally Ann Papazian
Laurie Parris
Ashley Patrick
Courtney Patterson
Debbie Patterson
Tracy Pearson
Barbara Pelcham
Krista Perdue
Debbie Perry
Shari Peterson
Monique Pfister
Lee Pickens
Marion Pilosi
Liz Pinto
Frederica Plaisance
Phyllis Anne Ploof
Karen Polk
Betty Poltrack
Gwyn Poor
Theresa Porter
Sandy Potter
Cassandra Potts
Shannon Potvin
Scott Powell
Gail Pratt
Teri Price
Pelican Properties
Janet Rae
Eleanor Ragsdale
Gloria Raimo
Fay Raptis
Ann Rawlins
Katherine Reed
Donna Reel
Kathleen Reese
Rachael Reese
Cynthia Reeves
JoAnn Reilley
Jean Reilly
Relco Enterprises, Inc.
Karen Reynolds
Phoebe Reynolds
Cheryl Rhoads
Karen Richards
Carol Riedel
Bob Riegel
Jo Ann Riegel
Pamela Riegel
Laurence Rizzo
Lynn Robertson
Maura Robin
Kathryn Robinson
Paige Rock-Fletcher
Rosie Rodela
Carmen Rodriguez
Linda Rogers
Vicki Rosen
Doris Rubin
Cathy Ruby
Nancy Rusin
Mireya Ryan
Sheri Saar
Jenny Saba
Georgann Salzarulo
Robert Salzarulo
Traci Salzarulo
Paula Sandrock
Rosario Sarinana
Wendy Sarr
Chassity Sarvis
Karen Sarvis
Cindy Saunders
Joann Sayre
Loriann Schleiger
Amber Schroeder
Deborah Scott
Geneva Semans
Patricia Shannon
Leslie Sherman
Leslie Edwards-Sherman
Corki Shneider
Vicki Siksnos
Judy Silverstein
Becki Smith
Brooke Smith
Cathy Smith
Dale W. Smith
Amy Smith
Shelbie Smith
Shelley Smith
Sherry Smith
Terry Smith
Tamara Smolchek
Soda, LLC
Jennifer Sons
Lola Sorensen
Michele Sorensen
Pat Sorensen
Michele Sorenson
Sami Sorenson
Tori Sorenson
EM Specialties
Teresa Spinosa
Marzena Sproule
Cindy Sprout
Pam Stanfield
Carol Ann Stankovitz
Gloria Stephens
Janice Stone
Trudie Stoaks
Sue Stumbaugh
Dana Sullivan
Esther Summers
Louise Sutton
Anahid Tacvorian
Rebecca Thompson
Sally Thorne
Barbara Tompkins
Wendy Toro
Denise Toro
Lisa Toro
Kara Turner
Laura Turner
Zelma Umphlette
Denise Upton
Linda Uranga
Urdl's Water Gardening
Shannon Van Cleave
Rebecca Van Houten
Jean Van Pelt
Jane Vasquez
Melissa Veal
Annie Verwijs
Joan Wagner
Kathy Waits
Sunny Wark
Marie Watkins
Carleen Weinberg
Linda Weinstein
Julie Wesner
Kit West
Dorothy Wilhite
Vicky Wilhite
John Williams
Monique Badour Williams
Marie Wiman
Gail Wright
Somlee Yimlamai
Carol Zapotocky
Janet Ziffer
Mary Zigenfuss
Last updated on October 9, 2012
Across the
Everyone is a volunteer, even our accountant who obviously takes care of the financial aspects of the project. All collected money and completed order forms are sent to her. I, personally, volunteer my time. I never see the money, only the accounting of it and to pay for materials. All receipts for the materials are submitted to the accountant. Absolutely no one gets paid. All proceeds will be donated to designated organizations.
Carol Ann respects your privacy. Information gathered for this project is for the sole purpose of obtaining orders for and the distribution of Bracelets for Breast Cancer. This information will not be given, sold, or distributed in any form to any other person, company or entity for any reason. Carol Ann will not use this information for advertising, mailing, e-mailing or telephone solicitation. If you wish to receive information about any other Carol Ann products, please use the contact form on the Carol Ann web site at www.carolhager.com.
With Heartfelt Joy in the Spirit of Giving!
On Line Instructions for Assembling the Messenger of Hope Bracelet |
Download Printable Instructions Here |
To aid in the fight against women's cancer, Carol Ann is proud to present these sterling silver bracelets, specially designed with rose quartz, Swarovski crystals and pearls. Priced at $40.00 each, all proceeds will be donated to aid in women's cancer awareness.
Or Download and print our order form here.
This form requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader,
you may downlaod and install a free copy directly from Adobe at www.adobe.com